Nursery (Age 4-8)
The Club Nursey is in many cases a child’s, and possibly parents, first introduction to sports and exercise in a planned and structured environment. It may also be their first introduction to your club.
The following resources will help to guide everyone at Bride Rovers through a successful Nursery programme. Every angle of a nursery programme from recruitment of coaches and players to the actual games and exercises that you can do on the field of play will be covered.

ABC/Have a Ball Nursery Programme
The ABC (Agility, Balance, Coordination) Nursery Programmes are a series of fun-based exercises to develop movement and motor skills for children aged 4 to 8 years old. These skills form the basis for the later development of the specific skills of Hurling and Gaelic Football. The level of competency with which one can perform these skills is referred to as their Level of Physical Literacy.
The ABC element of the programme focuses on fundamental movement skills including Crawling, Rolling, Agility, Balance, Coordination, Running and Jumping skills.
The Have-a-Ball element of the Programme focuses on basic motor skills including Throwing, Catching and Passing, Kicking and Striking skills on the player's ability to play with and manipulate a ball.

Scroll down for Club and Coach Nursery Webinars